We have three varieties of potatoes: russet, yukon gold, and red. The russet potatoes are doing great. The yukon gold looked like they were suffering: the leaves were yellowish, and the plants weak. Mike dug up a few potatoes to see if there was anything in the soil (like a nasty critter) responsible, but couldn’t find any culprits. As a desperate experiment, I applied a fair amount of compost to the yukon gold plant on the end, to see if that would make any difference by next week.
Comment by Alan
Steven, you may be mistaking maturity for disease. Yukon Gold matures about 65 days after planting – the potatoes were planted April 7, so day 65 was June 11. I harvested one full-size Gold last night (7/3 – and it was delicious!).The russets on the other hand are 80-90 days, so maturity should arrive this week. It should be a nice staggered harvest – maybe half the fast spuds this week, half next week, then start into the russets in late July.