Arugula generally did well. As usual, the first 3 seedings bolted due to heat. Last 2 seedings produced through end of season.
Bok Choy spring crop (only Prize Choy) did well, with less bolting overall. Second crop did well; included Shanghai, which lasted longer in cool weather. Transplanted extra seedlings into Watermelon-Cucumber bed.
Lettuce from both indoor seedings did beautifully. (Seed degradation discovered with first indoor seeding; reordered all seed from previous years. Suspect packets were left out in sun and heat during multiple direct sowings in 2023. Consider rationing what is brought to the garden.) Subsequent direct seedings did surprisingly well, despite summer heat. Final planting on 8/31 was probably 1-2 weeks too late. Try Merlot dark red variety next year. Tokyo Bekana grew fast and well as an experiment in the lettuce bed, but is a brassica and shouldn’t be grown with lettuce in future.
Malabar Spinach did well again on the tomato frame. Mild winter allowed volunteer seedlings to sprout in garden, though they lagged far behind those started indoors.
Mustard crops both did well this year. Good maintenance of seedlings and plants produced harvests all season long. Some mildew on older leaves at end of season.
Perpetual Spinach was wonderful this year. Didn’t cover for leaf miner, yet had very little damage. Was spaced well, and produced well through the end of the season.
Shiso indoor seeding failed, but plants self-seeded in garden and those seedlings were grown on. Did well!
Spinach was perfect. Started all plants indoors and covered bed with fence-mesh frame and insect screen. Some plants bolted before harvest, so we might begin and end harvest earlier.
Swiss Chard was wonderful this year. Didn’t cover for leaf miner, yet had very little damage. Was spaced well, and produced well through the end of the season.