The peak of the harvest is past, and yet we tried second plantings of some crops because we had the space, to see what would happen. With about a month to go, here’s their progress.
Cabbage & Cauliflower: large leaves, producing well, but no sign of heads yet.
Carrots: leafy fronds are doing well; no sign of poking out of the ground.
Beets: alive but struggling.
Spinach: mostly eaten by Something.
Peas: half-height, base leaves yellowing, no sign of peas.
Lettuce: looking good! Might harvest some next week.
Also, here’s an update on some first plantings:
Eggplant: *continues* to produce, though more slowly.
Beans: the bush beans produced another handful; the pole beans have disappointed.
Potatoes: we pulled a single plant to obtain some potatoes for display at Town Day. The number amidst the roots was extensive, and while mostly small-to-tiny, there was at least one big red one. From just one plant!
Squash: the tiny zucchini was accidently harvested; there’s still a medium yellow squash; and the pattipan has several small fruits (not to mention flowers) which it thinks it has time to make bigger — we’ll see.
The mildew is back to some extent on the squash, and worse, has jumped to the other side of the garden and covered the collard leaves.
The rest of the greens (kale, chard, arugula and other herbs) still doing well.