The cucumber shoots are up.
We had planted the cuke seeds in pairs in 2-foot intervals on either side of the compost bins. Of the 8 seeds planted, 6 germinated, producing nice healthy shoots, a pair and a single on either side. To improve the odds of getting an abundant crop, we separated one of each of the pairs and replanted them to the center spot between those remaining. So now the spacing is 12 inches between plants, still 3 on either side of the bins.
Elizabeth, our CGO (chief growing officer) says to expect an explosion of cukes. To make provision for that, Alan, chief engineer, has built two growing ladders, one on either side of the bins, in readiness for the onslaught to come.
Always looking for a little action, I proposed we run a cucumber pool: $1 a slot on the number of cukes we actually get out of the garden. So far, no takers on that.