I opened the garden this afternoon for about an hour.
First I gave a tour to my neighbor and her daughter, who were walking their large but sweet dog.
Then I went and invited the people at the playground to come see the garden. They didn’t come for a while so I sat and tried to draw the Thai Dragon peppers, but I need a color pencil to fill in! So many — perhaps we should give a few away!
Then all these families came, a number of grandmothers/mothers and children, and at one point there must have been 10 children and almost as many adults roaming the garden!
I carried on lots of conversations, telling the kids how flowers turned to fruits, etc. The eggplant! I explained the Three Sisters bed. I talked about the squash borers and the hornworms. I showed our new plantings — the spinach seedlings were showing just a little green! I untied the cauliflower to show them, and pointed out the mini cabbages.
One boy had a few cherry tomatoes. One little girl wanted a glass of water so I poured same with the hose, and then sprayed her and her brother and her mother and her grandmother, a retired California school principal in the very town my wife’s brother lives (Richmond)!
The little girl and the boy liked the spray, mother too (it was hot). OK, I didn’t really spray the grandmother.
One boy was quite impressed with all our basil.