Edible Flower bed: did really well, will likely become a tradition. Varieties of Bachelors Button, Calendula, and Nasturtium were all good; Stock was disappointing. Next year’s flowers should be different than this year’s so we can alternate between sets. Consider Sesame and/or Snapdragons next year.
Asparagus had decent harvest for the number of plants. Replaced a few plants in spring that did not overwinter. In July, tops of plants thinned and bottoms thickened. Fewer berries than last year, and fewer lady bug larvae.
Corn had good height and produced a reasonable amount of attractive ears, though some ears weren’t fully pollinated. Harvested a few too early and kernels didn’t mature off the stalk. Some caterpillar damage at tops of ears. Plants not super sturdy. Consider building a new support structure.
Marigolds worked well in tomato, eggplant, and pepper beds again. New variety plants are a good size, but flowers are small for cutting. A few self-seeded plants were allowed to grow around garden, were better for cutting.
Okra had a slow start due to cool weather after planting, though no seedlings were lost. The plants rallied in the summer heat and humidity, becoming large and productive. The bed was somewhat shaded by larger & denser sunflowers and peppers.
Saffron produced well. A few migrated into the path. Consider digging up, dividing, and replanting next June.
Sesame generally did well. (Seedlings were started and planted at the right time.) Flowers were decorative and produced enough seed for everyone to take some home. Yet, seeds are small and time-consuming to process. If growing again, consider a Chelsea Chop and just grow a few in flower bed.
Sunflowers did great, with some insect damage to leaves again. Viable seeds were all taken by critters despite efforts to cover a head until seed fully matured. Next year, cut a section and remove from garden to collect seed.