Eggplants had a less-than-stellar year; lost some Galine plants to wilt (removed leaves, but plants stopped producing) and lost some fruit of both varieties to end rot and sun scald, marigolds seemed to help again with small insect holes in fruits; plants in crescent bed were healthier.
Ground Cherries did well in the tomato bed, though maybe not as robust as in raised beds; fruits were very attractive to critters, offer some protection?
Peppers had a reasonably good year despite mix up labelling seedlings, plants a bit cramped for space due to large marigold plants, and many still needed to be picked green to avoid rot from insect holes, marigolds didn’t work again, don’t plant them in bed next year.
Tomatillo plants were floppy and dense, characteristically late to produce and had tons of small fruit at season’s end; not hit by striped potato beetles, some kind of insect damage was significant but only in mid-season, attractive to critters again, consider staking and pruning through season.
Tomatoes grew well with larger than usual fruits (lots of rain?) and fewer predation problems (no drought); used straw mulch (from garlic) around base of plants, pruned to single and double leaders again. Supersweet 100 did well, Jaune Flamme failed early for the second time, Moreton was unimpressive (same at Lisa’s), Bolseno from Etsy wasn’t Bolseno, and Black Cherry wasn’t popular with lots of split fruit. Sadly, seed was unavailable for Red October and Plum Perfect.