Bush Beans had a good year, required some reseeding, but produced through the first pole bean harvest; green produced terrifically, purple did well, Dragon’s Tongue had a super bad year (consider going back to Baker Creek?).
Fava Beans fared better, but still need work; new variety was started indoors (possibly earlier?), but were planted in a bad spot in the garden and were overwatered from a leaky soaker hose; hit by aphids but we didn’t spray this year, try underplanting with nasturtiums next year (probably need to start indoors).
Lima Beans (pole variety) grown on pea trellis this year, planted at same time as bush beans, grew well and produced beautiful beans over a long period, give more space next year?
Peas (spring planting) all types had great germination and produced well, shell type was hard to tell from other varieties, try putting snow peas in the middle next year and mark divisions more clearly.
Peas (fall planting) had poor germination due to heat, virtually no harvest.
Pole Beans had good germination except for Romano type in center (mostly washed away by flooding), new trellis stringing worked perfectly, purple type was first and fabulous, green type followed and did not disappoint, hoping to have Garden of Eden seed next year!
Scarlet Runner Beans had great germination, grew well on arbor, pretty and attracted hummingbirds, overall harvest (mostly dried beans) good.
Soybeans had spotty germination again, thinned/transplanted seedlings; some plants produced spectacularly well, consider giving them all a solid start by sprouting indoors.