Basil variety with disease resistances did well, though had some insect damage; lasted until mid-October.
Chives: Chinese and Garlic types weak again this year, look into soil requirements and consider moving. Common type did really well, new division from Lisa last year.
Cilantro planted in gaps between groupings of summer squashes worked (especially if squashes are planted nearer sides of bed), staggering plantings worked well (maybe go to 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1) though they were shaded out in mid-season, harvested through mid-November!
Fennel was huge and amazing, also has smaller plants to fill in next year.
Lavender did okay, but didn’t have a heavy bloom this year.
Lemon Balm did well.
Lemongrass both plants did extremely well, harvested fronds in summer and fall, then dug and divided plants into leaves (bundled by Carol) and bulb ends for later use. Grow again!
Lemon Verbena did well in tomato bed (substituting for a basil) but should have been pruned (like the basil).
Lovage recovered nicely from dividing and transplanting in 2021, divide and replant next year.
Marjoram did well, seemed to die back early this year.
Mints: peppermint and spearmint were replanted with new seedlings and fresh soil in spring; both grew well.
Oregano doing well, spreading a bit.
Parsley (only grew flat-leaf) plants were amazing, especially those in north herb bed.
Rosemary planted small seedling from LexFarm, took half the season to reach normal seedling size!
Sage was cut back hard again in spring, came back beautifully!
Savory (Summer) grew well, died back in early fall.
Savory (Winter) grew well, produced a fresh plant to use next spring.
Sorrel doing well, divide next spring.
Tarragon doing okay, never has been robust, look into soil needs?
Thyme growing amazingly well, trying to take over herb bed!