Asparagus growing really well, tall and bushy, keep on same fertilizer schedule, enjoyed our first year of harvests the first 3 weeks of May!
Corn variety was a new indigenous flint type, was not terribly sturdy and produced only a half-dozen ears total; look into ways to increase pollination and vigor of plants; fence plants early to avoid breakage from weight of bean plants; saved seed and have left-over seed for next year.
Marigolds saved seed didn’t germinate, emergency buy of mixed varieties resulted in many enormous plants, buy compact variety for next year and save seed. Plant in tomato and eggplant beds and in back of squash beds, probably not in pepper bed.
Nasturtiums did great again, one patch lasted into November!
Okra a few plants succumbed to cool wet weather after transplanting (consider a cloche next year) and bunny predation during hardening off, but plants grew reasonably well and were productive.
Saffron did well, harvested over 4 weeks!
Sesame seed started too early and planted in garden too early, beautiful seedlings all died… try again and treat more like okra (plant late and cover in cold wet weather).
Sunflowers had good germination and produced reasonably well, but were in competition with the left-over Jerusalem artichokes still sprouting in the bed from last year.