Cucumbers were an ongoing challenge, initial germination wasn’t great, plants hit by early wilt (even supposedly-resistant new pickling variety), restarted seed twice indoors, tried planting last seedings in other spots around garden where they avoided wilt, but were planted too late.
Pumpkins – plants were inconsistent, with some producing well and others not.
Watermelons were awesome, 6 beautiful plants produced 6 perfect melons! (Harvested and pulled plants early to access space beside raised bed.)
Winter Squashes had a spotty year, germination was weak (soil not sterilized well enough), needed to protect fruit from critters with mesh bags, Acorn type were hit super hard with squash vine borers in vines and fruit (only harvested 1), Delicata type only had 1 plant (not many seeds left) but did fine, Honeynut plants struggled but produced some good-size and some small fruit, Butternut type did well.
Yellow Summer Squash first planting was all we had this year, plants never thrived and died back early (planted on mounds in a drought year and some borer damage), only produced 6 fruits for the season.
Zucchini first planting never thrived and died back early (planted on mounds in a drought year and some vine borer damage), second planting (3 in a large saucer) did great and produced through late October.