Butternut squash (Metro PMR J, Honeynut HM): both varieties very productive, feeding schedule good; thinning leaves helped with air flow and reduced mildew; Honeynut smaller with excellent flavor.
Cantaloupe (Minnesota Midget R): melons were small and only a few. Sadly, another unsatisfying melon experiment.
Cucumbers (Summer Dance Hybrid B, Jackson Supreme J): mildew not bad, but many plants had premature die-off from wilt again; remove plants at first sign of disease and look for wilt-resistant varieties.
Delicata squash (Sugar Dumpling HM): less productive than last year, vine borers took many plants (and some squashes) too soon despite alternating planting with butternuts. Try placing sticky traps 8-10’ away, grow marigolds with them?
Pumpkins: (Baby Bear J): produced 1 pumpkin per plant, but badly hit by borers and didn’t survive surgeries; feeding schedule good.
Summer Squash (Smooth Operator HM): best yellow squash so far, very productive and lasted almost as long as the zucchini.
Zucchini (Dunja HM): both crops did very well (gave second crop space in brassica bed). Put on regular fertilizing schedule; consider planting last crop of arugula around edge of bed.