Eggplants (Galine J, Orient Express J, Japanese White Egg BC): simply incredible! productive and excellent-quality, despite some wind damage in hurricane. Interplanted marigolds worked well. Next year remove any wilted leaves when they appear and move white variety to front.
Sweet Peppers (King Arthur J, King of the North BC, Lunchbox Mix J, Mini Bell Mix BC, Corno di Toro HM, Shishito BC): excellent year overall, but still some insect damage – try using a sticky trap and/or alternating the sweet and hot peppers and/or spraying early with neem oil for pepper maggots. King of the North excellent. Mini Bell a bust.
Hot Peppers (Ancho Poblano R, Baron J, Cheyenne R, Hot Rod J, Hot Lemon B, Thai Dragon R): very good, do again. Both poblanos did well. Hot Lemon did better than Cheyenne when grown in same pot at entry, try 2 of same variety if growing in pots again.
Potatoes (Red Chieftain HM, Peter Wilcox HM, Adirondack Blue HM): all did well, didn’t lose any plants, worked hard to keep up with potato beetles, all ready for harvest at the same time.
Tomatillos (Green Tomatillo R): great year! Some early beetle damage controlled, plants were less tall, but produced large fruits that conveniently split when ready to harvest; fewer immature fruit at end of season. Fertilization schedule excellent.
Cherry Tomatoes (Sun Gold R, Esterina HM, Supersweet 100 R): not a great year for the cherry types. Supersweet 100 failed, Sun Gold eaten more than usual by critters, Esterina did okay in pot at entry arbor, provide more support strings if growing there next year.
Standard Tomatoes (Fourth of July R, Cloudy Day B, Brandy Boy B, Ramapo R, Red October B, Bolseno J, Jaune Flamme HM, Bodacious B, Darkstar B, Damsel J): a good year overall. New structure and clips worked, but use sturdier string and secure it better in ground with corkscrew stakes next year. Jaune Flamme failed. Red October hit by hornworm.
Paste Tomatoes (Juliet J, Plum Perfect HM): Juliet was mechanically damaged (circumstances unknown) growing in pot at entry, but still produced. Plum Perfect very good, do again.