Arugula (organic J): first crop bolted (as usual); fourth crop failed to germinate; last crop planted in prime real estate on 9/4 and was harvestable the last weeks of season. May need more sun than available on end of bed.
Bok Choy (Prize Choy HM, Suzhou Baby BC): first crop bolted in heat before fully maturing; second crop mostly matured, but had tiny holes in leaves (flea beetles?)
Collards (Georgia Southern Creole R): did okay, but kinda small.
Kales (Westlander HM, Nero di Toscano BC): Tuscan variety did exceptionally well, curly did well; both hit with aphids late in season (like everything else).
Lettuce: (Black Seeded Simpson J, Little Gem BC, New Red Fire HM, Optima HM, Parris Island Cos BC(free), Pirat HM) first crops from seedlings did well; summer crops did less well (keep thinned and use shade cloth on bed in July), late July seeding didn’t germinate, reseeded in early September and transplanted, harvested small plants until the end with plastic tunnels (New Red Fire and Little Gem the most cold-tolerant). Replace Optima with Green Star? Switch lettuce to Eastern Ave side of bed.
Mustard (Southern Giant Curled BC, Japanese Giant Red BC): very good, do again.
Perpetual Spinach (Perpetual Spinach Etsy): did okay, but not as well as last year (when it was in a terrible location); didn’t practice every other week harvest (with Swiss chard) most of season.
Spinach (Regiment HM): seedling crop did well, seeded crop bolted young.
Swiss Chard (Fordhook R, Bright Lights R): Bright Lights chard didn’t germinate as well as Fordhook, some leaf miner damage; not as robust as last year. Put on fertilizing schedule and alternate harvest with Perpetual spinach again.