Asparagus (Jersey Knight): strong first year growth, but one fatality. Prepared the bed for planting in spring and filled in as the shoots grew. Reached about 3’ tall, cut back to 6” in November.
Basil (Italian Large Leaf HM): generally did well, some plants hit by disease (downy mildew?), look into resistant varieties for next year.
Borage (seedling): planted bought seedlings in corners of nasturtium bed. One hit hard with aphids, sprayed and cut back; the other plant collapsed in hurricane; neither reached full size.
Cilantro (Caribe HM): first planting did great; second planting needed reseeding (dried out?) so there was a gap in harvest. Consider putting in with nasturtiums.
Corn (Montana Cudu BC): new variety had good germination and attractive ears, but pollination wasn’t great and stalks were way too short for beans. Find a tall, sturdy indigenous flint corn variety?
Herbs (Chamomile, Common Chives, Garlic & Chinese Chives, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lovage, Peppermint, Spearmint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Saffron Crocus, Sage, Savory, Sorrel, Stevia, Tarragon, Thyme): most did great, though parsley was spotty – move to cilantro are next year? Moved/divided lovage, sorrel and savory in spring to fit into new garden layout. Moved oregano to in front of tarragon and doing much better. Planted cilantro in new area of one side; Egyptian walking onions in the other. Dug and replanted Saffron in June (when dormant)! More reorganizing next year?
Marigolds (Bonanza Harmony Mahoney’s): did great in tomato bed, plant beside path in eggplant bed next year, plant in front of perimeter squash beds?
Nasturtiums (Dwarf Jewel Blend BC): did well, fewer aphids (perhaps the handiwork of praying mantises), think about sharing space with cilantro next year.
Okra (Jing Orange BC): very good do again, put on fertilizer schedule next year.
Sunflowers (Mammoth Russian R): excellent!