Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds – one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, promoting and preserving our agricultural and cultural heritage; headquartered in Mansfield, Missouri.
Botanical Interests – founded in 1995 to supply the highest quality seed (much of it organic) in the most beautiful and informative seed packets on the market; headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado.
Burpee – founded in 1876 by seed pioneer W. Atlee Burpee, offering seeds, garden plants and gardening supplies online and via retail garden centers nationwide; headquartered in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Fedco – organized as a cooperative in 1978 based in Clinton, Maine, supplies cold-hardy seeds and seedlings especially adapted to the Northeast climate.
High Mowing Organic Seeds – offers over 600 heirloom, open-pollinated and hybrid varieties of seed selected for exceptional performance in organic conditions; headquartered in Wolcott, Vermont.
Johnny’s Selected Seeds – founded in 1973, a New England favorite mail-order vegetable, herb & flower seed company – now employee-owned; headquarted in Winslow, Maine.
Seeds of Change – begun in 1989, 100% organic seed, seedling, tree, bulb, and tool mail-order supplier emphasizing heirloom and hard-to-find varieties, with a research farm in New Mexico.
Seed Savers – the largest non-governmental seed bank in the US, a non-profit member-supported organization that saves and shares heirloom seeds via catalog & online; headquartered in Decorah, Iowa.
Thompson & Morgan – suppliers of quality English seed since 1855; now serving over 150 countries, with US offices in Jackson, New Jersey.
Busa Farm and Garden in Lexington (next to the Arlington Res) – a grower of gourmet and heirloom vegetables and plants since 1920, using a combination of organic and traditional growing techniques.
Hutchins Farm – a farm stand in Concord, organic since 1973. They have a limited selection of very high quality seedlings in season.
Russell’s Garden Center in Wayland – This family run business, started in 1876, is one of the largest garden centers in New England. Russell’s sells seeds, seedlings, annuals, perennials and nursery stock.
Verrill Farm – a traditional farm stand in Concord that takes pre-orders for a good selection of heirloom tomatoes and a few other crops. Hosts heirloom tomato tastings at harvest time.
Waltham Fields Community Farm – a CSA in Waltham which sells a limited selection of excellent seedlings a few times a year in season.